How to get a Vietnam visa 2014
Some foreign visitors fail to take notice of the fact that they must have an entry visa to travel to Vietnam. Consequently, their travel plans are in a mess. Therefore, never forget to obtain a visa for Vietnam before going on a trip. And now is the answer for how to get a Vietnamese visa.
To get a visa Vietnam for overland entry, you have to come directly to embassy of Vietnam. As for air travelers, you always have 2 options to obtain a visa for Vietnam. One is applying at embassy and the other is applying for Vietnam visa on arrival online through website of travel agencies.
1. Apply at Vietnam Embassy/Consulate
Generally, you are required to submit:
- A valid origin passport with blank pages left
- An application form attached with a passport-sized photo
- Self-addressed return envelop if you request to get the passport back by post
- Vietnam visa fee in cash
At several embassies, you have to provide a visa authorization from Vietnam Immigration Department if you apply for a bussiness visa. In case you do not have a partner or sponsor in Vietnam to help you get the visa authorization, you are advised to contact with embassy to get help.
In special cases, the embassy will contact you and require more documents but do not submit any other paper unless you are asked to.
The processing time and Vietnamese visa price are different among the embassies. Therefore, you need to access the official website of embassy or call to consular section to know the specific cost.
2. Apply electronically
If you intend to travel to Vietnam by air, just stay at home and follow 4 steps below to register for a visa on arrival:
- Fill out correctly the online application form
- Pay service fee through online payment gateway
- Obtain visa approval letter via email after 2 working days
- Show visa approval letter to get aboard and get visa stamp at arrival airport in Vietnam.
To qualify for the on arrival visa, your passport validity must remain at least 6 months prior to travel date.
Regarding the cost of Vietnam visa on arrival, please read here.
Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime. We are willing to offer help in many ways.

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