Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

When you prepare to visit or spend your trip in Vietnam, getting VISA to Vietnam is the first task to be completed. It is said by some travelers that it is a bit complicated and takes them a lot of time to get a Vietnam entry VISA. This seems that it no longer present nowadays thanks to the appearance of visa on arrival online which creates much more convenient for travelers. You can now have two options to get a visa to Vietnam from your country.

The first one is the tradional way, obtaining your Vietnam visa at the nearest Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate where you are staying or living. As known, this way is quite complicated and time-wasting since you will need to chase down Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate to submit your application and then come back in 4-5 working days to get your visa and passport back. It’s not convenient at all. In case, you live far from this office, you will have to send your passport off and of course be charged of post fee. Anymore, the visa fee at the embassy is often at least 30% higher than getting online.

The second way is ordering a visa service via a Travel Agent. This is the most easiest and fastest way to get a visa to Vietnam. Applicants jut need to complete a simple application form online or do the form manually then submit it via email. You will then make payment done online via guaranteed and secured international payment gateway. You do not need to come down to the embassy or send off your passport at all. Your visa approval letter will be ready within 2 working days which depends on your choice of services. You can even get your visa done just after 3-4 working hours. Especially, this way will not only save your time, your energy but also your money. Thanks to these mentioned advantages, we can easily understand why getting visa on arrival online is becoming a popular option for travelers. However, it remain a weak-point that visa on arrival is just applicable for those who travel to Vietnam by air.

We have listed here overview regarding ways to get visa to Vietnam. Hopefully, it can give you a hand for your trip preparation to Vietnam.

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