Entry and exit form at the airport
Entry and exit form is an obligatory document that visitors must submit to obtain Vietnam visa on arrival. The form is always available at airport, however, completing the form in advadvance will help you save wating time at airport. Please enter here to download the form and fill it cautiously as described below:
1. Full name: must be written in CAPITAL and exactly as shown in your passport.
2. Sex: Check the box corresponding to your gender (Male or Female).·
3. Date of birth: Write your date of birth in day-month-year order
4. Place of birth: Write your place of birth including name of city and country
5. Nationality at birth: write your original national
6. Current nationality: Write your passport’s nationality
7. Religion: If you subcribe to a religion, write it. For those who are not religious, please write " None"
8. Occupation: enter your current occupation. If you have no occupation, write “no occupation”.
9. Employer and business address: Write the name of the organization where you work and its contact information.
10. Permanent residential address: provide your home street address and email address or contact phone in your country of residence
11. Family members: write information of your family members including your parents, sisters and brothers. If you are married, spouse and children are mandatory.
12. Passport or International Travel Document number: enter passport or travel document number and specify its type
Issuing authority: Specify the authority that issued the passport and the place of issue.
Expiry date : write he expiration date of your passport in dd/mm/yy format
13: Date of the previous entry into Viet Nam (if any): if you used to visit Vietnam before, fill in the latest entry.
14. Intended date of entry: write the date you intend to visit Vietnam and your desired length of stay.
15. Purpose of entry: Write purpose for your trip in accordance with your visa type
16. Intended temporary residential address in Viet Nam: Provide detailed address at which you will stay while you are in Vietnam
17. Hosting organisation/individual in Viet Nam: Provide the details about your sponsor in Vietnam including name, contact information and relationship to you. They can be an organization or individual.
18. Accompanying child(ren) under 14 years old included in your passport (if any): If you are traveling with children under 14 years old, please fill in their details and attach their photo to the form.
19. Check the box corresponding to your visa type and provide intended length of stay
20. Other requests (if any): Leave it blank if you don’t have any request.
· For “Done at”: write down name of arrival airport at which you get visa stamped.
· For “On“: enter the date that you check in at Vietnam airport.
Please feel free to reach out to us for assistance if you are still confused with filling out the entry-exit form for visa on arrival.

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